Source code for McsPy


    McsPy is a Python module/package to read, handle and operate on HDF5-based raw data
    files converted from recordings of devices of the Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH.

    :copyright: (c) 2022 by Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH
    :license: see LICENSE for more details

version = "0.4.3"

#__all__ = ["CMOSData", "CMOSConvProxy", "RawData", "Recording", "Stream", "AnalogStream", 
#           "Info", "InfoSampledData", "ChannelInfo", "FrameStream", "FrameEntity", "Frame", 
#           "FrameEntityInfo", "EventStream", "EventEntity", "EventEntityInfo", "SegmentStream", 
#           "SegmentEntity", "AverageSegmentTuple", "AverageSegmentEntity", "SegmentEntityInfo",
#           "TimeStampStream", "TimeStampEntity", "TimeStampEntityInfo"]

# Supported MCS-HDF5 protocol types and versions:
[docs]class McsHdf5Protocols: """ Class of supported MCS-HDF5 protocol types and version ranges Entry: (Protocol Type Name => Tuple of supported version range from (including) the first version entry up to (including) the second version entry) """ SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS = {"RawData" : (1, -1), # from first to second version number and including this versions. If second version number is -1, accept all later versions "CMOS_MEA" : (1, -1), "InfoChannel" : (1, -1), # Info-Object Versions "FrameEntityInfo" : (1, -1), "EventEntityInfo" : (1, -1), "SegmentEntityInfo" : (1, -1), "TimeStampEntityInfo" : (1, -1), "AnalogStreamInfoVersion" : (1, -1), # StreamInfo-Object Versions "FrameStreamInfoVersion" : (1, -1), "EventStreamInfoVersion" : (1, -1), "SegmentStreamInfoVersion" : (1, -1), "TimeStampStreamInfoVersion" : (1, -1)}
[docs] @classmethod def check_protocol_type_version(self, protocol_type_name, version): """ Check if the given version of a protocol is supported by the implementation :param protocol_type_name: name of the protocol that is tested :param version: version number that should be checked :returns: is true if the given protocol and version is supported """ if protocol_type_name in McsHdf5Protocols.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS: supported_versions = McsHdf5Protocols.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS[protocol_type_name] if not McsHdf5Protocols.check_version(version, supported_versions): if (supported_versions[1] == -1): raise IOError('Given HDF5 file contains \'%s\' type of version %s and supported are only versions from %s and later' % (protocol_type_name, version, supported_versions[0])) else: raise IOError('Given HDF5 file contains \'%s\' type of version %s and supported are all versions from %s up to %s' % (protocol_type_name, version, supported_versions[0], supported_versions[1])) else: raise IOError("The given HDF5 contains a type \'%s\' that is unknown in this implementation!" % protocol_type_name) return True
[docs] @classmethod def check_hdf5_protocol_version(self, protocol_name, version): """ Check if the given version of the HDF5 protocol is supported :param protocol_name: name of the protocol that is tested :param version: version number that should be checked :returns: is true if the given protocol and version is supported """ if protocol_name in McsHdf5Protocols.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS: supported_versions = McsHdf5Protocols.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS[protocol_name] if not McsHdf5Protocols.check_version(version, supported_versions): if (supported_versions[1] == -1): raise IOError('Given HDF5 file has MCS-HDF5 %s protocol version %s and supported are all versions from %s and later' % (protocol_name, version, supported_versions[0])) else: raise IOError('Given HDF5 file has MCS-HDF5 %s protocol version %s and supported are all versions from %s up to %s' % (protocol_name, version, supported_versions[0], supported_versions[1])) else: raise IOError("The given HDF5 contains a HDF5 protocol \'%s\' that is unknown in this implementation!" % protocol_name) return True
@classmethod def check_version(self, version, supported_versions): return version >= supported_versions[0] and (supported_versions[1] == -1 or version <= supported_versions[1])
# Supported MCS-HDF5 file structure types and versions:
[docs]class McsHdf5Types: """ Class of supported MCS-HDF5 file structure types and version ranges Entry: (Protocol TypeID => Tuple of supported version range from (including) the first version entry up to (including) the second version entry) """ SUPPORTED_TYPES = {"RawData" : (1, 3), # from first to second version number and including this versions "cabb6cdd-47e0-417a-8e04-5664cbbc449b" : {"McsPyClass": "McsCMOSMEAData", "Tag": None}, #CMOSMEA file format, from first to first version "650d88ce-9f24-4b20-ac2b-254defd12761" : {"McsPyClass": "Acquisition", "Tag": None}, #Acquisition group "9217aeb4-59a0-4d7f-bdcd-0371c9fd66eb" : {"McsPyClass": "McsChannelStream", "Tag": "Channel Stream"}, #Analog Stream group (comprises analog and digital data) "9e8ac9cd-5571-4ee5-bbfa-8e9d9c436daa" : {"McsPyClass": "McsInfo", "Tag": "Channel Stream Meta"}, #Analog Stream Meta Dataset "5efe7932-dcfe-49ff-ba53-25accff5d622" : {"McsPyClass": "McsChannelEntity", "Tag": "Channel Stream Data"}, #Analog Stream Data Dataset "09f288a5-6286-4bed-a05c-02859baea8e3" : {"McsPyClass": "McsEventStream", "Tag": "Event Stream"}, #Event Stream group "8f58017a-1279-4d0f-80b0-78f2d80402b4" : {"McsPyClass": "McsInfo", "Tag": "Event Stream Meta"}, #Event Meta Dataset "abca7b0c-b6ce-49fa-ad74-a20c352fe4a7" : {"McsPyClass": "McsDataset", "Tag": "Event Stream Data"}, #Event Data Dataset "15e5a1fe-df2f-421b-8b60-23eeb2213c45" : {"McsPyClass": "McsSensorStream", "Tag": "Sensor Stream"}, #Sensor Stream group, FrameStream "ab2aa189-2e72-4148-a2ef-978119223412" : {"McsPyClass": "McsInfo", "Tag": "Sensor Stream Meta"}, #Sensor Meta Dataset "49da47df-f397-4121-b5da-35317a93e705" : {"McsPyClass": "McsSensorEntity", "Tag": "Sensor Stream Data"}, #Sensor Data Dataset "35f15fa5-8427-4d07-8460-b77a7e9b7f8d" : {"McsPyClass": "SegmentStream", "Tag": "Segment Stream"}, #SegmentStream" "425ce2e0-f1d6-4604-8ab4-6a2facbb2c3e" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": "TimeStamp Stream"}, #TimeStampStream "26efe891-c075-409b-94f8-eb3a7dd68c94" : {"McsPyClass": "McsSpikeStream", "Tag": "Spike Stream"}, #SpikeStream "e1d7616f-621c-4a26-8f60-a7e63a9030b7" : {"McsPyClass": "McsInfo", "Tag": "Spike Stream Meta"}, #SpikeStream Meta Dataset "3e8aaacc-268b-4057-b0bb-45d7dc9ec73b" : {"McsPyClass": "McsSpikeEntity", "Tag": "Spike Stream Data"}, #SpikeStream Data Dataset "2f8c246f-9bab-4193-b09e-03aefe17ede0" : {"McsPyClass": "FilterTool", "Tag": None}, #Filter Tool group "c632506d-c961-4a9f-b22b-ac7a56ce3552" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #Pipe Tool group "941c8edb-78b3-4275-a5b2-6876cbcdeffc" : {"McsPyClass": "NetworkExplorer", "Tag": None}, #STA Explorer group "442b7514-fe3a-4c66-8ae9-4f249ef48f2f" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #STA Entity Dataset "a95db4a1-d124-4c52-8889-2264fcdb489b" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsMapCreatorSpike and SettingsMapCreatorSta Dataset "de316ac6-ad66-4d78-acc4-e3f29bd40991" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsVideoControl Dataset "44b29fba-ec5c-48b5-8e0e-02ad9b9ac83a" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsStaExplorer Dataset "935a1aa6-4082-482e-9d4d-1ad60d1b1680" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsStaCreator Dataset "c6a37148-fa9e-42f2-9d38-eea0434851e2" : {"McsPyClass": "SpikeExplorer", "Tag": None}, #Spike Explorer group "58c92502-516e-46f6-ac50-44e6dd17a3ff" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsSpikeDetector Dataset "ef54ef3d-3619-43aa-87ba-dc5f57f7e861" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsSpikeExplorer Dataset "1b4e0b8b-6af1-4b55-a685-a6d28a922eb3" : {"McsPyClass": "McsSpikeEntity", "Tag": "Spike Data"}, #SpikeData Dataset "f5dc873b-4aed-4a54-8c19-5743908684bb" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SpikePeakActivity Dataset "7263d1b7-f57a-42de-8f51-5d6326d22f2a" : {"McsPyClass": "SpikeSorter", "Tag": None}, #Spike Sorter group "0e5a97df-9de0-4a22-ab8c-54845c1ff3b9" : {"McsPyClass": "SpikeSorterUnitEntity","Tag": None}, #Spike Sorter Entity group "3fa908a3-fac9-4a80-96a1-310d9bcdf617" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #ProjectionMatrix Dataset "3533aded-b369-4529-836d-9629eb1a27a8" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsPeakDetection Dataset "f20b653e-25fb-4f7a-ae8a-f35044f46720" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsPostProcessing Dataset "c7d23018-9006-45fe-942f-c5d0f9cde284" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsRoiDetection Dataset "713a9202-87e1-4bfe-ba80-b909a000aae5" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsSorterComputing Dataset "62bc7b9f-7eea-4a88-a438-c618067d49f4" : {"McsPyClass": None, "Tag": None}, #SettingsSorterGeneral "9cdcea3f-88aa-40cf-89db-818315a2644a" : {"McsPyClass": "ActivitySummary", "Tag": None}, #Activity Summary group }
[docs] @classmethod def get_mcs_class_name(self, typeID): """ Returns the McsPy class name, that corresponds to a given Mcs HDF5 file structure type. The function also checks if the requested class supports the Mcs HDF5 file structure type version :param typeID: name of the type that is tested :returns: a McsCMOSMEA class if the given type and version is supported """ if not typeID in McsHdf5Types.SUPPORTED_TYPES: return None class_name = McsHdf5Types.SUPPORTED_TYPES[typeID]['McsPyClass'] if class_name is None: return None return getattr(McsCMOSMEA, class_name)
from pint import UnitRegistry ureg = UnitRegistry() Q_ = ureg.Quantity ureg.define('NoUnit = [quantity]') from McsPy import McsCMOSMEA