MCS HDF5 Format Definitions

Definition of the HDF5 format for raw data

MCS-HDF5 Protocol Type: RawData (Raw-Data protocol)

Protocol Version: 3 based on the definitions of RawDataFileIO in version 10.

All strings are only ASCII-encoded


Version 1:

  • Initial draft

Version 2:

  • New Root-Folder attributes added to detect name and version of the creating application and library

Version 3:

  • Data structures for DataSubType::Average of StreamType::Segment added



Root-Folder “/”

Contains all information for one experiment - measured data (inside the folder Data) and a description (possibly in the future) inside the folder Experiment/Description/…


Name Description Data Type MCS-HDF5 Protocol Version
Type of the used MCS-HDF5 protocol definition
(e.g. RawData for the raw data MCS-HDF5 definitions)
[String,Scalar] 1 ≤
McsHdf5ProtocolVersion Version number of the used MCS-HDF5 protocol [Integer,Scalar] 1 ≤
GeneratingApplicationName Name of the application that generated this HDF5 file [String,Scalar] 2 ≤
GeneratingApplicationVersion Version of the application that generated this HDF5 file [String,Scalar] 2 ≤
Version of the McsDataTools library that was used
by the application to create the HDF5 file
[String,Scalar] 2 ≤


  • none

Folder “Data”

Navigation: /Data

Contains all recordings for this experiment.


Name Description Data Type
ProgramName Name of the recording program [String,Scalar]
ProgramVersion Version number of the recording program [String,Scalar]
MeaName Name of the recorded MEA [String,Scalar]
MeaLayout Layout descriptor [String,Scalar]
MeaSN Serial number of the MEA [String,Scalar]
Date Date of the recording [String,Scalar]
DateInTicks Date of the recording in .NET ticks (100 ns) [Long(64-bit Integer),Scalar]
FileGUID GUID of the converted raw data file [String,Scalar]
Comment Comment [String,Scalar]


  • none

Folder “Recording_x”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x

Contains all recorded streams for recording x.


Name Description Data Type
RecordingID Recording ID [Integer(32-bit Integer),Scalar]
RecordingType Recording type [String,Scalar]
TimeStamp Start time of the recording in microseconds [Long(64-bit Integer),Scalar]
Total recording duration in microseconds
(This duration can differ from the actual
duration of the recorded data!!!)
[Long(64-bit Integer),Scalar]
Label Label [String,Scalar]
Comment Comment [String,Scalar]


  • none

Folder “AnalogStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/AnalogStream

(Organisational) folder for all channel-based streams of this recording


  • none


  • none

Sub-folder “Stream_x” of “AnalogStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/AnalogStream/Stream_x

Container for an analog stream


Name Description Data Type StreamInfoVersion
StreamInfoVersion Version number of the meta information structure [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar] 1 ≤
Label Label [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
SourceStreamGUID GUID of the source streams [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
StreamGUID GUID [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
StreamType Type of the stream, e.g. Electrode [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
DataSubType Sub-type of the analog stream (e.g. Analog) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤


  • Matrix InfoChannel → n × 16 matrix of describing information vectors for the n channels:
    • Attributes: InfoVersion → Version number of the Info-Objects [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar]
Name Description Data Type InfoVersion
ChannelID ID of the channel as given by the recording software [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Row number of this channel inside the ChannelData matrix where
the data of this channel is stored
[Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
GroupID ID of the group that this channel belongs to [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Label Label of the channel [String,Array] 1 ≤
RawDataType Type of the raw data [String,Array] 1 ≤
Unit Physical unit of the measured sensor value [String,Array] 1 ≤
Exponent n ⇒ 1En resp. 10n in which the channel values
magnitude is measured (e.g. k,m,µ,…)
[Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
ADZero ADC-Step that represents the 0-point of the measuring range of the ADC [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Sample tick Δ between two sample points of a channel in µs
⇒ sampling frequency = 1000000 / Δ
[Long(64-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
ConversionFactor Conversion factor for the mapping ADC-Step ⇒ measured value [Long(64-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
ADCBits Number of bits used by the AD-Converter [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
HighPassFilterType Type of the high-pass filter (empty string if not available) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
HighPassFilterCutOffFrequency Cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter (‘-1’-String if not available) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
HighPassFilterOrder Order of the high-pass filter (-1 if not available) [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
LowPassFilterType Type of the low-pass filter (empty string if not available) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
LowPassFilterCutOffFrequency Cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter (‘-1’-String if not available) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
LowPassFilterOrder Order of the low-pass filter (-1 if not available) [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
  • 2-dimensional Data-Matrix ChannelData → Data for sampled channels organized as n × m matrix ⇒ one row per channel and one column per sample time point
    • reconstruct the value of the measured signal: \(y(\text{channel},t_{ind}) = (\text{ChannelData}[\text{InfoChannel}[\text{channel}].\text{RowIndex},t_{ind}] - \text{ADZero}) * \text{InfoChannel}[\text{channel}].\text{ConversionFactor} * 10^{\text{InfoChannel}[\text{channel}].\text{Exponent}}\) in \(\text{InfoChannel}[\text{channel}].\text{Unit}\)
    • reconstruct the sample time point: \(t = t_{ind} * \text{InfoChannel}[\text{channel}].\text{Tick}\) in \(\mu s\)
  • Matrix ChannelDataTimeStamps → k × 3 matrix of segments where the rows are one segment and the columns are:
    • first column → time stamp of the first sample point of the segment
    • second column → first index (column) of the segment in ChannelData
    • third column → last index (column) of the segment in ChannelData

Folder “FrameStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/FrameStream

(Organisational) folder for all frame-based streams of this recording


  • none


  • none

Subfolder “Stream_x” of “FrameStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/FrameStream/Stream_x

Folder that contains all Frame-Entities of one Frame-Stream:


Name Description Data Type StreamInfoVersion
StreamInfoVersion Version number of the meta information structure [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar] 1 ≤
Label Label [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
SourceStreamGUID GUID of the source stream [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
StreamGUID GUID [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
StreamType Type of the stream Frame [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
DataSubType Sub-type of the event stream (e.g. SpikeTimeStamp) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤


  • Matrix InfoFrame → n × 24 matrix of describing information vectors for the n Frame-Entities:
    • Attributes: InfoVersion → Version number of the Info-Objects [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar]
Name Description Data Type InfoVersion
FrameID ID of the frame entity as given by the recording software [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
ID of the frame entity inside the stream folder that maps this information
vector to the entity folder (FrameDataID → subfolder FrameDataEntity_FrameDataID)
[Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
GroupID ID of the group that this frame entity belongs to [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Label Label of the entity [String,Array] 1 ≤
RawDataType Type of the raw data [String,Array] 1 ≤
Unit Physical unit of the measured sensor value [String,Array] 1 ≤
Exponent n ⇒ 1En resp. 10n in which the sensor values magnitude
is measured (e.g. k,m,µ,…)
[Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
ADZero ADC-Step that represents the 0-point of the measuring range of the ADC [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
ADCBits Number of bits used by the AD-Converter [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Sample tick Δ between two frames in µs
⇒ sampling frequency = 1000000 / Δ
[Long(64-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
HighPassFilterType Type of the high-pass filter (empty string if not available) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
HighPassFilterCutOffFrequency Cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter (‘-1’-String if not available) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
HighPassFilterOrder Order of the high-pass filter (-1 if not available) [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
LowPassFilterType Type of the low-pass filter (empty string if not available) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
LowPassFilterCutOffFrequency Cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter (‘-1’-String if not available) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
LowPassFilterOrder Order of the low-pass filter (-1 if not available) [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
SensorSpacing Distance between adjacent sensors in µm [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
FrameLeft Sensor count of the left edge of the entity frame based on the reference frame [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
FrameTop Sensor count of the top edge of the entity frame based on the reference frame [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
FrameRight Sensor count of the right edge of the entity frame based on the reference frame [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
FrameBottom Sensor count of the bottom edge of the entity frame based on the reference frame [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Sensor count of the left edge of the reference frame
(defined by the used sensor array)
[Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Sensor count of the left edge of the reference frame
(defined by the used sensor array)
[Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Sensor count of the left edge of the reference frame
(defined by the used sensor array)
[Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Sensor count of the left edge of the reference frame
(defined by the used sensor array)
[Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤

Subfolder “FrameDataEntity_x”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/FrameStream/Stream_x/FrameDataEntity_x

Contains all datasets of the Frame-Entity x


  • Matrix ConversionFactors → n × m matrix of conversion factors for the sensor array
  • 3-dimensional Data-Cube FrameData → cube of the frame data organized as one frame to one sample time point (n × m matrix of sampled signal values per sensor) × sample time points
    • reconstruct the value of the measured signal: y = (FrameData[x,y,t] - ADZero) * ConversionFactors[x,y]
    • reconstruct the sample time point:
  • Matrix FrameDataTimeStamps → k × 3 matrix of segments where the rows are one segment and the columns are:
    • first column → time stamp of the first sample point of the segment
    • second column → first index (z-axis) of the segment in FrameData
    • third column → last index (z-axis) of the segment in FrameData


  • none

Folder “EventStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/EventStream

(Organisational) folder for all event-based streams of this recording


  • none


  • none

Subfolder “Stream_x” of “EventStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/EventStream/Stream_x

Folder that contains all Event-Entities of one Event-Stream:


Name Description Data Type StreamInfoVersion
StreamInfoVersion Version number of the meta information structure [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar] 1 ≤
Label Label [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
SourceStreamGUID GUID of the source stream [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
StreamGUID GUID of the current stream [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
StreamType Type of the stream Event [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
DataSubType Sub-type of the event stream (e.g. StgSideband, UserInput, DigitalPort) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤

Sub-type Description:

  • StgSideband → The event is associated to a STG sideband change.
  • UserInput → The event is associated with an user input.
  • DigitalPort → The event is associated with a digital port change.


  • Matrix InfoEvent → n × 7 matrix of describing information vectors for the n Event-Entities:
    • Attributes: InfoVersion → Version number of the Info-Objects [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar]
Name Description Data Type InfoVersion
EventID ID of the event entity [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
GroupID ID of the group that the entity belongs to [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Label Label of the entity [String,Array] 1 ≤
RawDataType Type of the raw data [String,Array] 1 ≤
RawDataBytes Number of bytes of the raw data type [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Comma separated list of ID’s of (source) channel that were
involved in the generation of this event
[String,Array] 1 ≤
SourceChannelLabels Comma separated list of labels of the source channels [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
  • 2-dimensional matrix EventEntity_x → 2 × n matrix ⇒ n events with describing vector (time stamp of event, duration of event)
    • Attributes: Short description of content
    • \(t_\text{event i} = \text{EventEntity}\_x[0,i]\) in \(\mu s\)
    • \(\Delta_\text{event i} = \text{EventEntity}\_x[1,i]\) in \(\mu s\)

Folder “SegmentStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/SegmentStream

(Organisational) folder for all segment-based streams of this recording. A segment is a cutout of parts of the sampled signal relative to an event, defined by a pre- and post interval.


  • none


  • none

Subfolder “Stream_x” of “SegmentStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/SegmentStream/Stream_x

Folder that contains all Segment-Entities of one Segment-Stream:


Name Description Data Type StreamInfoVersion
StreamInfoVersion Version number of the meta information structure [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar] 1 ≤
Label Label [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
SourceStreamGUID GUID of the source stream [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
StreamGUID GUID of the current stream [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
StreamType Type of the stream Segment [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
DataSubType Sub-type of the segment stream (e.g. Spike) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤


  • Matrix InfoSegment → n × 7 matrix of describing information vectors for the n Segment-Entities:
    • Attributes: InfoVersion → Version number of the Info-Objects [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar]
Name Description Data Type InfoVersion
SegmentID ID of the segment entity [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
GroupID ID of the group that the segment entity belongs to [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Label Label of the entity [String,Array] 1 ≤
Time interval in µs before the segment defining event occured
- definition of the beginning of the segment
[Int(64-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Time interval in µs after the segment defining event occured
- definition of the end of the segment
\(\text{length of the segment} = \text{PreInterval} + \text{PostInterval}\) in µs
[Int(64-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
SegmentType Type of the segment (e.g. SpikeCutout) [String,Array] 1 ≤
Comma separated list of ID’s of (source) channels that the segements are taken from
→ Link to the SourceChannelInfo matrix
[String,Array] 1 ≤
  • 2-dimensional matrix SourceChannelInfo → n × 15 matrix ⇒ n of describing vectors for the n source channels, the structure is the same as in ChannelInfo used in section Sub-folder “Stream_x” of “AnalogStream”
    • Attributes: InfoVersion → Version number of the Info-Objects [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar]
  • Vector SegmentData_ts_x → n time stamps in µs of the event triggering the segment, one for each of the n segments contained by segment entity x
  • 2-dimensional matrix or 3-dimensional cube SegmentData_x → k × n matrix (k sample points for one segment, n number of sampled segments) or k × m × n cube (k sample points for one segment, m number of segments for one time point/for one multi-segment, n number of sampled multi-segments) of segment data:
    • Attributes: SourceChannelID → Comma separated list of ID’s of (source) channels that the segements are taken from [String,Scalar] (the same as in InfoSegment, repeated for clarification)
    • reconstruct the value of the measured segment signal (only one segment \(id_\text{segment}\) → 2-dimensional matrix M[row,col]):
      • \(t_{ind}[row,col] = \text{SegmentData ts x}[\text{col}] + (\text{row} - 1) * \text{tick}_\text{source-channel} - \text{PreInterval}\) in µs
      • \(y(id_\text{segment},t_{ind}(row,col)) = (\text{SegmentData x}[row, col] - \text{ADZero}_\text{source-channel}) * \text{ConversionFactor}_\text{source-channel} * 10^{\text{Exponent}_\text{source-channel}}\) in \(\text{InfoChannel}[\text{source-channel}].\text{Unit}\)
    • reconstruct the value of the measured segment signal (m segments → multi-segments → 3-dimensional cube M[row,col,z]):
      • col → \(id_\text{segment}\) → source-channel
      • \(t_{ind}[row,col,z] = \text{SegmentData ts x}[\text{z}] + (\text{row} - 1) * \text{tick}_{\text{source-channel}[col]}\) in µs
      • \(y(id_\text{segment},t_{ind}(row, z)) = (\text{SegmentData x}[row, \text{col}, z] - \text{ADZero}_{\text{source-channel}[\text{col}]}) * \text{ConversionFactor}_{\text{source-channel}[\text{col}]} * 10^{\text{Exponent}_{\text{source-channel}[\text{col}]}}\) in \(\text{InfoChannel}[\text{source-channel}[\text{col}]].\text{Unit}\)

DataSubType-Average: Subfolder “Stream_x” of “SegmentStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/SegmentStream/Stream_x

Folder that contains all Segment-Entities of one Segment-Stream with DataSybType == Average:

Attributes: no difference to the standard case above


  • Matrix InfoSegment: no difference to the standard case above
  • Matrix SourceChannelInfo: no difference to the standard case above
  • (3 × n) matrix AverageData_Range_x → (start, end, count) per segment average × count of segment averages contained by segment entity x. start and end denote the start and end timestamp in µs of the interval that contains all averaged segments. count is the number of averaged segments.
    • Attributes: description of the content
  • (2 × k × n) cube AverageData_x → (mean and standard deviation) × k sample points of the segment × n number of segment averages
    • Attributes:: description of the content
    • reconstruct the value of the mean and standard deviation of the average segment (n average segments → 3-dimensional cube M[row,col,z]):
      • row: mean → row = 0; StdDev → row = 1
      • col: \(t_{ind}(col) = (\text{col} - 1) * \text{tick}_{\text{source-channel}}\) → time range \((0, PreInterval[\text{SegmentID}] + PreInterval[\text{SegmentID}])\) in µs
      • z: z = \(id_\text{average}\) (number of average segment)
      • \(Mean(id_\text{average},t_{ind}(col)) = (\text{AverageData x}[0, \text{col}, id_\text{average}] - \text{ADZero}_{\text{source-channel}}) * \text{ConversionFactor}_{\text{source-channel}} * 10^{\text{Exponent}_{\text{source-channel}}}\) in \(\text{InfoChannel}_\text{source-channel}.\text{Unit}\)
      • \(StdDev(id_\text{average},t_{ind}(col)) = \text{AverageData x}[1, \text{col}, id_\text{average}] * \text{ConversionFactor}_{\text{source-channel}} * 10^{\text{Exponent}_{\text{source-channel}}}\) in \(\text{InfoChannel}_\text{source-channel}.\text{Unit}\)

Folder “TimeStampStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/TimeStampStream

(Organisational) folder for all TimeStamp-based streams of this recording


  • none


  • none

Subfolder “Stream_x” of “TimeStampStream”

Navigation: /Data/Recording_x/TimeStampStream/Stream_x

Folder that contains all TimeStamp-Entities of one TimeStamp-Stream:


Name Description Data Type StreamInfoVersion
StreamInfoVersion Version number of the meta information structure [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar] 1 ≤
Label Label [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
SourceStreamGUID GUID of the source stream [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
StreamGUID GUID of the current stream [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
StreamType Type of the stream TimeStamp [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
DataSubType Sub-type of the TimeStamp stream (e.g. NeuralSpike) [String,Scalar] 1 ≤

Sub-type Description:

  • NeuralSpike → The entity contains time stamps of neural spikes


  • Matrix InfoTimeStamp → n × 7 matrix of describing information vectors for the n Event-Entities:
    • Attributes: InfoVersion → Version number of the Info-Objects [Int(32-bit Integer),Scalar]
Name Description Data Type InfoVersion
TimeStampEntityID ID of the event entity [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
GroupID ID of the group that the entity belongs to [Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Label Label of the entity [String,Array] 1 ≤
Unit Physical unit of the measured sensor value [String,Array] 1 ≤
Exponent n ⇒ 1En resp. 10n in which the channel values
magnitude is measured (e.g. k,m,µ,…)
[Int(32-bit Integer),Array(Size 1)] 1 ≤
Comma separated list of ID’s of (source) channel that were
involved in the generation of this event
[String,Array] 1 ≤
SourceChannelLabels Comma separated list of labels of the source channels [String,Scalar] 1 ≤
  • Vector TimeStampEntity_x → n time stamps in \(\mu s\)


All time-related information except dates (100ns ticks) are given in \(\mu s\) ticks!!
