Source code for McsPy.McsData


    Data classes to wrap and hide raw data handling of the HDF5 data files.
    It is based on the MCS-HDF5 definitions of the given compatible versions.

    :copyright: (c) 2018 by Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH
    :license: see LICENSE for more details

import h5py
from builtins import IndexError
import datetime
import math
import uuid
import collections
import numpy as np

from McsPy import ureg, McsHdf5Protocols
from pint import UndefinedUnitError

MCS_TICK = 1 *
CLR_TICK = 100 * ureg.ns

# day -> number of clr ticks (100 ns)
DAY_TO_CLR_TIME_TICK = 24 * 60 * 60 * (10**7)


def dprint_name_value(n, v):
    if VERBOSE:
        print(n, v)

[docs]class RawData(object): """ This class holds the information of a complete MCS raw data file :param raw_data_path: path to the HDF5 file :param h5_file: h5py File handle :param mcs_hdf5_protocol_type: protocol type. Currently, only "RawData" is supported :param mcs_hdf5_protocol_type_version: protocol version :param comment: comment string :param clr_date: recording date string :param date_in_clr_ticks: recording date in CLR ticks (100 ns) :param date: :class:`datetime` object representing the recording date :param file_guid: file GUID :param mea_layout: name of the MEA layout :param mea_sn: serial number of the MEA :param mea_name: name of the MEA :param program_name: name of the recording software that created the file :param program_version: version of the recording software that created the file """ def __init__(self, raw_data_path): """ Creates and initializes a RawData object that provides access to the content of the given MCS-HDF5 file :param raw_data_path: path to a HDF5 file that contains raw data encoded in a supported MCS-HDF5 format version """ self.raw_data_path = raw_data_path self.h5_file = h5py.File(raw_data_path, 'r') self.__validate_mcs_hdf5_version() self.__get_session_info() self.__recordings = None def __del__(self): if self.h5_file: self.h5_file.close() def __str__(self): return "<RawData raw_data_path=" + self.raw_data_path + ", Recordings=" + str(len(self.h5_file['Data'])) + ">" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __validate_mcs_hdf5_version(self): "Check if the MCS-HDF5 protocol type and version of the file is supported by this class" root_grp = self.h5_file['/'] if 'McsHdf5ProtocolType' in root_grp.attrs: self.mcs_hdf5_protocol_type = root_grp.attrs['McsHdf5ProtocolType'].decode('UTF-8') if self.mcs_hdf5_protocol_type == "RawData": self.mcs_hdf5_protocol_type_version = root_grp.attrs['McsHdf5ProtocolVersion'] McsHdf5Protocols.check_hdf5_protocol_version(self.mcs_hdf5_protocol_type, self.mcs_hdf5_protocol_type_version) else: raise IOError("The root group of this HDF5 file has no 'McsHdf5ProtocolVersion' attribute -> so it could't be checked if the version is supported!") else: raise IOError("The root group of this HDF5 file has no 'McsHdf5ProtocolType attribute' -> this file is not supported by McsPy!") def __get_session_info(self): "Read all session metadata" data_attrs = self.h5_file['Data'].attrs.items() session_attributes = data_attrs session_info = {} for (name, value) in session_attributes: #print(name, value) if hasattr(value, "decode"): session_info[name] = value.decode('utf-8') else: session_info[name] = value self.comment = session_info['Comment'].rstrip() self.clr_date = session_info['Date'].rstrip() self.date_in_clr_ticks = session_info['DateInTicks'] # = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(int(math.ceil(self.date_in_clr_ticks / day_to_clr_time_tick)) + 1) = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=int(self.date_in_clr_ticks)/10) # self.file_guid = session_info['FileGUID'].rstrip() self.file_guid = uuid.UUID(session_info['FileGUID'].rstrip()) self.mea_layout = session_info['MeaLayout'].rstrip() self.mea_sn = session_info['MeaSN'].rstrip() self.mea_name = session_info['MeaName'].rstrip() self.program_name = session_info['ProgramName'].rstrip() self.program_version = session_info['ProgramVersion'].rstrip() #return session_info def __read_recordings(self): "Read all recordings" data_folder = self.h5_file['Data'] if len(data_folder) > 0: self.__recordings = {} for (name, value) in data_folder.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) recording_name = name.split('_') if (len(recording_name) == 2) and (recording_name[0] == 'Recording'): self.__recordings[int(recording_name[1])] = Recording(value) @property def recordings(self): "Access recordings" if self.__recordings is None: self.__read_recordings() return self.__recordings
[docs]class Recording(object): """ Container class for one recording :param comment: recording comment :param duration: duration of the recording in microseconds :param label: recording label :param recording_id: recording ID :param recording_type: recording type :param timestamp: recording timestamp """ def __init__(self, recording_grp): self.__recording_grp = recording_grp self.__get_recording_info() self.__analog_streams = None self.__frame_streams = None self.__event_streams = None self.__segment_streams = None self.__timestamp_streams = None def __str__(self): streams = '' for stream in ['AnalogStream', 'EventStream', 'SegmentStream', 'TimeStampStream', 'FrameStream']: if stream in self.__recording_grp: streams += ", " + stream + "s=" + str(len(self.__recording_grp[stream])) return "<Recording label=" + self.label + streams + ", duration_time=" + str(self.duration_time) + ">" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __get_recording_info(self): "Read metadata for this recording" recording_info = {} for (name, value) in self.__recording_grp.attrs.items(): if hasattr(value, "decode"): recording_info[name] = value.decode('UTF-8') else: recording_info[name] = value self.comment = recording_info['Comment'].rstrip() self.duration = recording_info['Duration'] self.label = recording_info['Label'].rstrip() self.recording_id = recording_info['RecordingID'] self.recording_type = recording_info['RecordingType'].rstrip() self.timestamp = recording_info['TimeStamp'] def __read_analog_streams(self): "Read all contained analog streams" if 'AnalogStream' in self.__recording_grp: analog_stream_folder = self.__recording_grp['AnalogStream'] if len(analog_stream_folder) > 0: self.__analog_streams = {} for (name, value) in analog_stream_folder.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) stream_name = name.split('_') if (len(stream_name) == 2) and (stream_name[0] == 'Stream'): self.__analog_streams[int(stream_name[1])] = AnalogStream(value) def __read_frame_streams(self): "Read all contained frame streams" if 'FrameStream' in self.__recording_grp: frame_stream_folder = self.__recording_grp['FrameStream'] if len(frame_stream_folder) > 0: self.__frame_streams = {} for (name, value) in frame_stream_folder.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) stream_name = name.split('_') if (len(stream_name) == 2) and (stream_name[0] == 'Stream'): self.__frame_streams[int(stream_name[1])] = FrameStream(value) def __read_event_streams(self): "Read all contained event streams" if 'EventStream' in self.__recording_grp: event_stream_folder = self.__recording_grp['EventStream'] if len(event_stream_folder) > 0: self.__event_streams = {} for (name, value) in event_stream_folder.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) stream_name = name.split('_') if (len(stream_name) == 2) and (stream_name[0] == 'Stream'): index = int(stream_name[1]) self.__event_streams[index] = EventStream(value) def __read_segment_streams(self): "Read all contained segment streams" if 'SegmentStream' in self.__recording_grp: segment_stream_folder = self.__recording_grp['SegmentStream'] if len(segment_stream_folder) > 0: self.__segment_streams = {} for (name, value) in segment_stream_folder.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) stream_name = name.split('_') if (len(stream_name) == 2) and (stream_name[0] == 'Stream'): self.__segment_streams[int(stream_name[1])] = SegmentStream(value) def __read_timestamp_streams(self): "Read all contained timestamp streams" if 'TimeStampStream' in self.__recording_grp: timestamp_stream_folder = self.__recording_grp['TimeStampStream'] if len(timestamp_stream_folder) > 0: self.__timestamp_streams = {} for (name, value) in timestamp_stream_folder.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) stream_name = name.split('_') if (len(stream_name) == 2) and (stream_name[0] == 'Stream'): self.__timestamp_streams[int(stream_name[1])] = TimeStampStream(value) @property def analog_streams(self): "Access all analog streams - collection of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.AnalogStream` objects" if self.__analog_streams is None: self.__read_analog_streams() return self.__analog_streams @property def frame_streams(self): "Access all frame streams - collection of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.FrameStream` objects" if self.__frame_streams is None: self.__read_frame_streams() return self.__frame_streams @property def event_streams(self): "Access event streams - collection of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.EventStream` objects" if self.__event_streams is None: self.__read_event_streams() return self.__event_streams @property def segment_streams(self): "Access segment streams - collection of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.SegementStream` objects" if self.__segment_streams is None: self.__read_segment_streams() return self.__segment_streams @property def timestamp_streams(self): "Access timestamp streams - collection of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.TimestampStream` objects" if self.__timestamp_streams is None: self.__read_timestamp_streams() return self.__timestamp_streams @property def duration_time(self): "Duration of the recording" dur_time = (self.duration - self.timestamp) * return dur_time
[docs]class Stream(object): """ Base class for all stream types """ def __init__(self, stream_grp, info_type_name=None): """ Initializes a stream object with its associated HDF5 folder :param stream_grp: folder of the HDF5 file that contains the data of this stream :param info_type_name: name of the Info-Type as given in class McsHdf5Protocols (default None -> no version check is executed) """ self.stream_grp = stream_grp info_version = self.stream_grp.attrs["StreamInfoVersion"] if info_type_name != None: McsHdf5Protocols.check_protocol_type_version(info_type_name, info_version) self.__get_stream_info() def __get_stream_info(self): "Read all describing meta data common to each stream -> HDF5 folder attributes" stream_info = {} for (name, value) in self.stream_grp.attrs.items(): if hasattr(value, "decode"): stream_info[name] = value.decode('UTF-8') else: stream_info[name] = value self.info_version = stream_info['StreamInfoVersion'] self.data_subtype = stream_info['DataSubType'].rstrip() self.label = stream_info['Label'].rstrip() self.source_stream_guid = uuid.UUID(stream_info['SourceStreamGUID'].rstrip()) self.stream_guid = uuid.UUID(stream_info['StreamGUID'].rstrip()) self.stream_type = stream_info['StreamType'].rstrip() Stream_Types = ["analog", "event", "segment", "timestamp", "frame"]
[docs]class AnalogStream(Stream): """ Container class for one analog stream of several channels. Description for each channel is provided by a channel-associated object of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.ChannelInfo` :param channel_data: numpy array (channels x samples) with channel data :param timestamp_index: numpy array (segment x 3) defining the timestamps for each data segment as `[first_timestamp, first_index, last_index]`. Interpretation: All samples in `channel_data` between `first_index` and `last_index` (inclusive) are in a continuous data segment and the timestamp of the samples at `first_index` is `first_timestamp` :param channel_infos: dict with channel metadata. Key: ChannelID, Value: :class:`~McsPy.McsData.ChannelInfo` object :param info_version: version of the Info structure :param data_subtype: type of stream data ("Electrode", "Auxiliary", "Digital", ...) :param label: the stream label :param source_stream_guid: the GUID of the source stream :param stream_guid: the stream GUID :param stream_type: the stream type ("Analog") """ def __init__(self, stream_grp): """ Initializes an analog stream object containing several analog channels :param stream_grp: folder of the HDF5 file that contains the data of this analog stream """ #McsHdf5Protocols.check_protocol_type_version("AnalogStreamInfoVersion", info_version) Stream.__init__(self, stream_grp, "AnalogStreamInfoVersion") self.__read_channels() def __str__(self): return "<AnalogStream label=" + self.label + ", channels=" + str(len(self.channel_infos)) + ", samples=" + str(self.channel_data.shape[1]) + ">" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __read_channels(self): "Read all channels -> create Info structure and connect datasets" assert len(self.stream_grp) == 3 for (name, value) in self.stream_grp.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) # Read timestamp index of channels: self.timestamp_index = self.stream_grp['ChannelDataTimeStamps'][...] # Read infos per channel ch_infos = self.stream_grp['InfoChannel'][...] ch_info_version = self.stream_grp['InfoChannel'].attrs['InfoVersion'] self.channel_infos = {} self.__map_row_to_channel_id = {} for channel_info in ch_infos: self.channel_infos[channel_info['ChannelID']] = ChannelInfo(ch_info_version, channel_info) self.__map_row_to_channel_id[channel_info['RowIndex']] = channel_info['ChannelID'] # Connect the data set self.channel_data = self.stream_grp['ChannelData']
[docs] def get_channel(self, channel_id): """ Get the signal of the given channel over the course of time and in its measured range. :param channel_id: ID of the channel :return: Tuple (vector of the signal, unit of the values) """ return self.get_channel_in_range(channel_id)
[docs] def get_channel_in_range(self, channel_id, idx_start=0, idx_end=None): """ Get the signal of the given channel over the course of time and in its measured range. :param channel_id: ID of the channel :param idx_start: index of the first sampled signal value that should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count samples). Default: 0 :param idx_end: index of the last sampled signal value that should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count samples). Default: None (= last index) :return: Tuple (vector of the signal, unit of the values) """ if channel_id in self.channel_infos.keys(): if idx_start < 0: idx_start = 0 if idx_end is None or idx_end > self.channel_data.shape[1]: idx_end = self.channel_data.shape[1] else: idx_end += 1 signal = self.channel_data[self.channel_infos[channel_id].row_index, idx_start : idx_end] scale = self.channel_infos[channel_id].adc_step.magnitude #scale = self.channel_infos[channel_id].get_field('ConversionFactor') * (10**self.channel_infos[channel_id].get_field('Exponent')) signal_corrected = (signal - self.channel_infos[channel_id].get_field('ADZero')) * scale return (signal_corrected, self.channel_infos[channel_id].adc_step.units)
[docs] def get_channel_sample_timestamps(self, channel_id, idx_start=0, idx_end=None): """ Get the timestamps of the sampled values. :param channel_id: ID of the channel :param idx_start: index of the first signal timestamp that should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count samples). Default: 0 :param idx_end: index of the last signal timestamp that should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count samples). Default: None (= last index) :return: Tuple (vector of the timestamps, unit of the timestamps) """ if channel_id in self.channel_infos.keys(): if idx_start < 0: idx_start = 0 if idx_end is None or idx_end > self.channel_data.shape[1]: idx_end = self.channel_data.shape[1] # no need to increase the idx_end, this is done in np.arange start_ts = 0 channel = self.channel_infos[channel_id] tick = channel.get_field('Tick') for ts_range in self.timestamp_index: if idx_end < ts_range[1]: # nothing to do anymore -> break if ts_range[2] < idx_start: # start is behind the end of this range -> continue else: idx_segment = idx_start - ts_range[1] start_ts = ts_range[0] + idx_segment * tick # timestamp of first index if idx_end <= ts_range[2]: time_range = start_ts + np.arange(0, idx_end - ts_range[1] - idx_segment + 1, 1) * tick else: time_range = start_ts + np.arange(0, ts_range[2] - ts_range[1] - idx_segment + 1, 1) * tick idx_start = ts_range[2] + 1 if 'time' in locals(): time = np.append(time, time_range) else: time = time_range return (time, MCS_TICK.units)
[docs]class Info(object): """ Base class of all info classes Derived classes contain meta information for data structures and fields. """ def __init__(self, info_data): = {} for name in info_data.dtype.names: if hasattr(info_data[name], "decode"):[name] = info_data[name].decode('UTF-8') else:[name] = info_data[name]
[docs] def get_field(self, name): "Get the field with that name -> access to the raw info array" return[name]
@property def group_id(self): "Get the id of the group that the objects belongs to" return["GroupID"] @property def label(self): "Label of this object" return['Label'] @property def data_type(self): "Raw data type of this object" return['RawDataType']
[docs]class InfoSampledData(Info): """ Base class of all info classes for evenly sampled data """ def __init__(self, info): """ Initialize an info object for sampled data :param info: array of info descriptors for this info object """ Info.__init__(self, info) @property def sampling_frequency(self): "Get the used sampling frequency in Hz" frequency = 1 / self.sampling_tick.to_base_units() return @property def sampling_tick(self): "Get the used sampling tick" tick_time =['Tick'] * MCS_TICK return tick_time
[docs]class ChannelInfo(InfoSampledData): """ Contains all describing meta data for one sampled channel :param info: dict containing the channel metadata """ def __init__(self, info_version, info): """ Initialize an info object for sampled channel data :param info_version: number of the protocol version used by the following info structure :param info: array of info descriptors for this channel info object """ InfoSampledData.__init__(self, info) McsHdf5Protocols.check_protocol_type_version("InfoChannel", info_version) self.__version = info_version def __str__(self): return "<ChannelInfo channel_id=" + str(self.channel_id) + ", row_index=" + str(self.row_index) + ", sampling_frequency=" + str(self.sampling_frequency) + ">" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def channel_id(self): "Get the ID of the channel" return['ChannelID'] @property def row_index(self): "Get the index of the row that contains the associated channel data inside the data matrix" return['RowIndex'] @property def adc_step(self): "Size and unit of one ADC step for this channel" unit_name =['Unit'] if unit_name == 'g': # Acceleration stream unit = ureg['standard_gravity'] elif unit_name == 'DegreePerSecond': # Gyroscope stream unit = / ureg.second else: unit = ureg[unit_name] # Should be tested that unit_name is a available in ureg (unit register) step =['ConversionFactor'] * (10 **['Exponent'].astype(np.float64)) * unit return step @property def version(self): "Version number of the Type-Definition" return self.__version
[docs]class FrameStream(Stream): """ Container class for one frame stream with different entities :param frame_entity: list of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.FrameEntity` objects :param info_version: version of the Info structure :param data_subtype: type of stream data :param label: the stream label :param source_stream_guid: the GUID of the source stream :param stream_guid: the stream GUID :param stream_type: the stream type ("Frame") """ def __init__(self, stream_grp): """ Initializes an frame stream object that contains all frame entities that belong to it. :param stream_grp: folder of the HDF5 file that contains the data of this frame stream """ Stream.__init__(self, stream_grp, "FrameStreamInfoVersion") self.__read_frame_entities() def __str__(self): return "<FrameStream entities=" + str(len(self.frame_entity)) + ">" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __read_frame_entities(self): "Read all fream entities for this frame stream inside the associated frame entity folder" #assert len(self.stream_grp) == 3 for (name, value) in self.stream_grp.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) # Read infos per frame fr_infos = self.stream_grp['InfoFrame'][...] fr_info_version = self.stream_grp['InfoFrame'].attrs['InfoVersion'] self.frame_entity = {} for frame_entity_info in fr_infos: frame_entity_group = "FrameDataEntity_" + str(frame_entity_info['FrameDataID']) conv_fact = self.__read_conversion_factor_matrix(frame_entity_group) frame_info = FrameEntityInfo(fr_info_version, frame_entity_info, conv_fact) self.frame_entity[frame_entity_info['FrameID']] = FrameEntity(self.stream_grp[frame_entity_group], frame_info) def __read_conversion_factor_matrix(self, frame_entity_group): "Read matrix of conversion factors inside the frame data entity folder" frame_entity_conv_matrix = frame_entity_group + "/ConversionFactors" conv_fact = self.stream_grp[frame_entity_conv_matrix][...] return conv_fact
[docs]class FrameEntity(object): """ Contains the stream of a specific frame entity. Meta-Information for this entity is available via an associated object of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.FrameEntityInfo` :param data: numpy array (sensors_X x sensors_Y x time) of sensor data in ADC steps. Multiply with `info.conversion_factors` to get voltages. :param info: :class:`~McsPy.McsData.FrameEntityInfo` object with Frame metadata :param timestamp_index: start timestamp of the Frame """ def __init__(self, frame_entity_group, frame_info): """ Initializes an frame entity object :param frame_entity_group: folder/group of the HDF5 file that contains the data for this frame entity :param frame_info: object of type FrameEntityInfo that contains the description of this frame entity """ = frame_info = frame_entity_group self.timestamp_index =['FrameDataTimeStamps'][...] # Connect the data set =['FrameData']
[docs] def get_sensor_signal(self, sensor_x, sensor_y, idx_start, idx_end): """ Get the signal of a single sensor over the curse of time and in its measured range. :param sensor_x: x coordinate of the sensor :param sensor_y: y coordinate of the sensor :param idx_start: index of the first sampled frame that should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count frames) :param idx_end: index of the last sampled frame that should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count frames) :return: Tuple (vector of the signal, unit of the values) """ if sensor_x < 0 or[0] < sensor_x or sensor_y < 0 or[1] < sensor_y: raise IndexError if idx_start < 0: idx_start = 0 if idx_end >[2]: idx_end =[2] else: idx_end += 1 sensor_signal =[sensor_x, sensor_y, idx_start : idx_end] scale_factor =, sensor_y) scale = scale_factor.magnitude sensor_signal_corrected = (sensor_signal -'ADZero')) * scale return (sensor_signal_corrected, scale_factor.units)
[docs] def get_frame_timestamps(self, idx_start, idx_end): """ Get the timestamps of the sampled frames. :param idx_start: index of the first sampled frame that should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count frames) :param idx_end: index of the last sampled frame that should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count frames) :return: Tuple (vector of the timestamps, unit of the timestamps) """ if idx_start < 0 or[2] < idx_start or idx_end < idx_start or[2] < idx_end: raise IndexError start_ts = 0 tick ='Tick') for ts_range in self.timestamp_index: if idx_end < ts_range[1]: # nothing to do anymore -> break if ts_range[2] < idx_start: # start is behind the end of this range -> continue else: idx_segment = idx_start - ts_range[1] start_ts = ts_range[0] + idx_segment * tick # timestamp of first index if idx_end <= ts_range[2]: time_range = start_ts + np.arange(0, (idx_end - ts_range[1] + 1) - idx_segment, 1) * tick else: time_range = start_ts + np.arange(0, (ts_range[2] - ts_range[1] + 1) - idx_segment, 1) * tick idx_start = ts_range[2] + 1 if 'time' in locals(): time = np.append(time, time_range) else: time = time_range return (time, MCS_TICK.units)
class Frame(object): """ Frame definition: left, top, right and bottom coordinates (1-based, inclusive) """ def __init__(self, left, top, right, bottom): self.__left = left self.__top = top self.__right = right self.__bottom = bottom @property def left(self): """ Left sensor index """ return self.__left @property def top(self): """ Top sensor index """ return self.__top @property def right(self): """ Right sensor index """ return self.__right @property def bottom(self): """ Bottom sensor index """ return self.__bottom @property def width(self): """ Frame width """ return self.__right - self.__left + 1 @property def height(self): """ Frame height """ return self.__bottom - self.__top + 1 class FrameEntityInfo(InfoSampledData): """ Contains all describing meta data for one frame entity :param info: dict containing the frame metadata :param frame: the rectangular area within the reference_frame :param reference_frame: the reference for the frame area. Could be for example the whole chip :param conversion_factors: numpy array (sensors_X x sensors_Y) of multiplication factors per sensor to convert ADC steps to voltages """ def __init__(self, info_version, info, conv_factor_matrix): """ Initializes an describing info object that contains all descriptions of this frame entity. :param info_version: number of the protocol version used by the following info structure :param info: array of frame entity descriptors as represented by one row of the InfoFrame structure inside the HDF5 file :param conv_factor_matrix: matrix of conversion factor as represented by the ConversionFactors structure inside one FrameDataEntity folder of the HDF5 file """ InfoSampledData.__init__(self, info) McsHdf5Protocols.check_protocol_type_version("FrameEntityInfo", info_version) self.__version = info_version self.frame = Frame(info['FrameLeft'], info['FrameTop'], info['FrameRight'], info['FrameBottom']) self.reference_frame = Frame(info['ReferenceFrameLeft'], info['ReferenceFrameTop'], info['ReferenceFrameRight'], info['ReferenceFrameBottom']) self.conversion_factors = conv_factor_matrix @property def frame_id(self): "ID of the frame" return['FrameID'] @property def sensor_spacing(self): "Returns the spacing of the sensors in micro-meter" return['SensorSpacing'] @property def adc_basic_step(self): "Returns the value of one basic ADC-Step" unit_name =['Unit'] # Should be tested that unit_name is a available in ureg (unit register) basic_step = (10 **['Exponent'].astype(np.float64)) * ureg[unit_name] return basic_step def adc_step_for_sensor(self, x, y): "Returns the combined (virtual) ADC-Step for the sensor (x,y)" adc_sensor_step = self.conversion_factors[x, y] * self.adc_basic_step return adc_sensor_step @property def version(self): "Version number of the type definition" return self.__version
[docs]class EventStream(Stream): """ Container class for one event stream with different entities :param event_entity: dict of event entities. Key: event ID, value: a :class:`~McsPy.McsData.EventEntity` object :param info_version: version of the Info structure :param data_subtype: type of stream data ("DigitalInput", "UserData", ...) :param label: the stream label :param source_stream_guid: the GUID of the source stream :param stream_guid: the stream GUID :param stream_type: the stream type ("Event") """ def __init__(self, stream_grp): """ Initializes an event stream object that contains all entities that belong to it. :param stream_grp: folder of the HDF5 file that contains the data of this event stream """ Stream.__init__(self, stream_grp, "EventStreamInfoVersion") self.__read_event_entities() def __read_event_entities(self): "Create all event entities of this event stream" for (name, value) in self.stream_grp.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) # Read infos per event entity event_infos = self.stream_grp['InfoEvent'][...] event_entity_info_version = self.stream_grp['InfoEvent'].attrs['InfoVersion'] self.event_entity = {} for event_entity_info in event_infos: event_entity_name = "EventEntity_" + str(event_entity_info['EventID']) event_info = EventEntityInfo(event_entity_info_version, event_entity_info) if event_entity_name in self.stream_grp: self.event_entity[event_entity_info['EventID']] = EventEntity(self.stream_grp[event_entity_name], event_info)
[docs]class EventEntity(object): """ Contains the event data of a specific entity. Meta-Information for this entity is available via an associated object of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.EventEntityInfo` :param data: numpy array (5 x n_events) of event data. row 0: event timestamp in microsecond; row 1: event duration in microseconds; row 2: event type; row 3-4: reserved :param info: :class:`~McsPy.McsData.EventEntityInfo` object with the event metadata """ def __init__(self, event_data, event_info): """ Initializes an event entity object :param event_data: dataset of the HDF5 file that contains the data for this event entity :param event_info: object of type EventEntityInfo that contains the description of this entity """ = event_info # Connect the data set = event_data @property def count(self): """Number of contained events""" dim = return dim[1] def __handle_indices(self, idx_start, idx_end): """Check indices for consistency and set default values if nothing was provided""" if idx_start == None: idx_start = 0 if idx_end == None: idx_end = self.count if idx_start < 0 or[1] < idx_start or idx_end < idx_start or[1] < idx_end: raise IndexError return (idx_start, idx_end)
[docs] def get_events(self, idx_start=None, idx_end=None): """Get all n events of this entity of the given index range (idx_start <= idx < idx_end) :param idx_start: start index of the range (including), if nothing is given -> 0 :param idx_end: end index of the range (excluding, if nothing is given -> last index :return: Tuple of (2 x n matrix of timestamp (1. row) and duration (2. row), Used unit of time) """ idx_start, idx_end = self.__handle_indices(idx_start, idx_end) events =[..., idx_start:idx_end] return (events * MCS_TICK.magnitude, MCS_TICK.units)
[docs] def get_event_timestamps(self, idx_start=None, idx_end=None): """Get all n event timestamps of this entity of the given index range :param idx_start: start index of the range, if nothing is given -> 0 :param idx_end: end index of the range, if nothing is given -> last index :return: Tuple of (n-length array of timestamps, Used unit of time) """ idx_start, idx_end = self.__handle_indices(idx_start, idx_end) events =[0, idx_start:idx_end] return (events * MCS_TICK.magnitude, MCS_TICK.units)
[docs] def get_event_durations(self, idx_start=None, idx_end=None): """Get all n event durations of this entity of the given index range :param idx_start: start index of the range, if nothing is given -> 0 :param idx_end: end index of the range, if nothing is given -> last index :return: Tuple of (n-length array of duration, Used unit of time) """ idx_start, idx_end = self.__handle_indices(idx_start, idx_end) events =[1, idx_start:idx_end] return (events * MCS_TICK.magnitude, MCS_TICK.units)
[docs]class EventEntityInfo(Info): """ Contains all meta data for one event entity :param info: dict containing the event metadata """ def __init__(self, info_version, info): """ Initializes an describing info object with an array that contains all descriptions of this event entity. :param info_version: number of the protocol version used by the following info structure :param info: array of event entity descriptors as represented by one row of the InfoEvent structure inside the HDF5 file """ Info.__init__(self, info) McsHdf5Protocols.check_protocol_type_version("EventEntityInfo", info_version) self.__version = info_version if info["SourceChannelIDs"] == "": source_channel_ids = [-1] source_channel_labels = ["N/A"] else: try: source_channel_ids = [int(x) for x in info['SourceChannelIDs'].decode('utf-8').split(',')] source_channel_labels = [x.strip() for x in info['SourceChannelLabels'].decode('utf-8').split(',')] except ValueError: source_channel_ids = [-1] source_channel_labels = ["N/A"] self.__source_channels = {} for idx, channel_id in enumerate(source_channel_ids): self.__source_channels[channel_id] = source_channel_labels[idx] @property def id(self): "Event ID" return['EventID'] @property def raw_data_bytes(self): "Length of raw data in bytes" return['RawDataBytes'] @property def source_channel_ids(self): "IDs of all channels that were involved in the event generation." return list(self.__source_channels.keys()) @property def source_channel_labels(self): "Labels of the channels that were involved in the event generation." return self.__source_channels @property def version(self): "Version number of the type definition" return self.__version
[docs]class SegmentStream(Stream): """ Container class for one segment stream of different segment entities :param segment_entity: dict of segment entities. Key: segment ID, value: for data_subtype == "Cutout": :class:`~McsPy.McsData.SegmentEntity` object, for data_subtype == "Average: :class:`~McsPy.McsData.AverageSegmentEntity` object :param info_version: version of the Info structure :param data_subtype: type of stream data ("Cutout", "Average", ...) :param label: the stream label :param source_stream_guid: the GUID of the source stream :param stream_guid: the stream GUID :param stream_type: the stream type ("Segment") """ def __init__(self, stream_grp): Stream.__init__(self, stream_grp, "SegmentStreamInfoVersion") self.__read_segment_entities() def __read_segment_entities(self): "Read and initialize all segment entities" for (name, value) in self.stream_grp.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) # Read infos per segment entity segment_infos = self.stream_grp['InfoSegment'][...] segment_info_version = self.stream_grp['InfoSegment'].attrs['InfoVersion'] self.segment_entity = {} for segment_entity_info in segment_infos: ch_info_version = self.stream_grp['SourceInfoChannel'].attrs['InfoVersion'] source_channel_infos = self.__get_source_channel_infos(ch_info_version, self.stream_grp['SourceInfoChannel'][...]) segment_info = SegmentEntityInfo(segment_info_version, segment_entity_info, source_channel_infos) if self.data_subtype == "Average": segment_entity_data_name = "AverageData_" + str(segment_entity_info['SegmentID']) segment_entity_average_annotation_name = "AverageData_Range_" + str(segment_entity_info['SegmentID']) if segment_entity_data_name in self.stream_grp: self.segment_entity[segment_entity_info['SegmentID']] = AverageSegmentEntity(self.stream_grp[segment_entity_data_name], self.stream_grp[segment_entity_average_annotation_name], segment_info) else: segment_entity_data_name = "SegmentData_" + str(segment_entity_info['SegmentID']) segment_entity_ts_name = "SegmentData_ts_" + str(segment_entity_info['SegmentID']) if segment_entity_data_name in self.stream_grp: self.segment_entity[segment_entity_info['SegmentID']] = SegmentEntity(self.stream_grp[segment_entity_data_name], self.stream_grp[segment_entity_ts_name], segment_info) def __get_source_channel_infos(self, ch_info_version, source_channel_infos): "Create a dictionary of all present source channels" source_channels = {} for source_channel_info in source_channel_infos: source_channels[source_channel_info['ChannelID']] = ChannelInfo(ch_info_version, source_channel_info) return source_channels
[docs]class SegmentEntity(object): """ Segment entity class, Meta-Information for this entity is available via an associated object of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.SegmentEntityInfo` :param data: numpy array (n_segments x samples) or (n_segments x n_multi x samples) with segment data :param data_ts: numpy vector (n_segments) with timestamps for every segment :param info: segment metadata as a :class:`~McsPy.McsData.SegmentEntityInfo` object """ def __init__(self, segment_data, segment_ts, segment_info): """ Initializes a segment entity. :param segment_data: 2d-matrix (one segment) or 3d-cube (n segments) of segment data :param segment_ts: timestamp vector for every segment (2d) or multi-segments (3d) :param segment_info: segment info object that contains all meta data for this segment entity :return: Segment entity """ = segment_info # connect the data set = segment_data # connect the timestamp vector self.data_ts = segment_ts assert self.segment_sample_count == self.data_ts.shape[1], 'Timestamp index is not compatible with dataset!!!' @property def segment_sample_count(self): "Number of contained samples of segments (2d) or multi-segments (3d)" dim = if len(dim) == 3: return dim[2] else: return dim[1] @property def segment_count(self): "Number of segments that are sampled for one time point (2d) -> 1 and (3d) -> n" dim = if len(dim) == 3: return dim[1] else: return 1 def __handle_indices(self, idx_start, idx_end): """Check indices for consistency and set default values if nothing was provided""" sample_count = self.segment_sample_count if idx_start == None: idx_start = 0 if idx_end == None: idx_end = sample_count if idx_start < 0 or sample_count < idx_start or idx_end < idx_start or sample_count < idx_end: raise IndexError return (idx_start, idx_end)
[docs] def get_segment_in_range(self, segment_id, flat=False, idx_start=None, idx_end=None): """ Get the a/the segment signals in its measured range. :param segment_id: id resp. number of the segment (0 if only one segment is present or the index inside the multi-segment collection) :param flat: true -> one-dimensional vector of the sequentially ordered segments, false -> k x n matrix of the n segments of k sample points :param idx_start: index of the first segment that should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count segments) :param idx_end: index of the last segment that should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count segments) :return: Tuple (of a flat vector of the sequentially ordered segments or a k x n matrix of the n segments of k sample points depending on the value of *flat* , and the unit of the values) """ if segment_id in idx_start, idx_end = self.__handle_indices(idx_start, idx_end) if self.segment_count == 1: signal =[..., idx_start : idx_end] else: signal =[..., segment_id, idx_start : idx_end] source_channel =[segment_id] scale = source_channel.adc_step.magnitude signal_corrected = (signal - source_channel.get_field('ADZero')) * scale if flat: signal_corrected = np.reshape(signal_corrected, -1, 'F') return (signal_corrected, source_channel.adc_step.units)
[docs] def get_segment_sample_timestamps(self, segment_id, flat=False, idx_start=None, idx_end=None): """ Get the timestamps of the sample points of the measured segment. :param segment_id: id resp. number of the segment (0 if only one segment is present or the index inside the multi-segment collection) :param flat: true -> one-dimensional vector of the sequentially ordered segment timestamps, false -> k x n matrix of the k timestamps of n segments :param idx_start: index of the first segment for that timestamps should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count segments) :param idx_end: index of the last segment for that timestamps should be returned (0 <= idx_start < idx_end <= count segments) :return: Tuple (of a flat vector of the sequentially ordered segments or a k x n matrix of the n segments of k sample points depending on the value of *flat* , and the unit of the values) """ if segment_id in idx_start, idx_end = self.__handle_indices(idx_start, idx_end) data_ts = self.data_ts[idx_start:idx_end] source_channel =[segment_id] signal_ts = np.zeros(([0], data_ts.shape[1]), dtype=np.compat.long) segment_ts = np.zeros([0], dtype=np.compat.long) + source_channel.sampling_tick.magnitude segment_ts[0] = 0 segment_ts = np.cumsum(segment_ts) for i in range(data_ts.shape[1]): col = (data_ts[0, i] - + segment_ts signal_ts[:, i] = col if flat: signal_ts = np.reshape(signal_ts, -1, 'F') return (signal_ts, source_channel.sampling_tick.units)
AverageSegmentTuple = collections.namedtuple('AverageSegmentTuple', ['mean', 'std_dev', 'time_tick_unit', 'signal_unit']) """ Named tuple that describe one or more average segments (mean, std_dev, time_tick_unit, signal_unit). .. note:: * :class:`~AverageSegmentTuple.mean` - mean signal values * :class:`~AverageSegmentTuple.std_dev` - standard deviation of the signal value (it is 0 if there was only one sample segment) * :class:`~AverageSegmentTuple.time_tick_unit` - sampling interval with time unit * :class:`~AverageSegmentTuple.signal_unit` - measured unit of the signal """
[docs]class AverageSegmentEntity(object): """ Contains a number of signal segments that are calcualted as averages of number of segments occured in a given time range. Meta-Information for this entity is available via an associated object of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.SegmentEntityInfo` :param data: numpy array (2 x n_samples x n_averages) with averages and standard deviations. First row is the mean per sample data, second row is the standard deviation per sample data. :param data_annotation: numpy array (3 x n_averages) with metadata describing how each average was created. row 0 and 1: start and end timestamp in microseconds of the time window in which signal segments were averaged. row 2: number of averaged signal segments in this time window :param info: metadata for the average as a :class:`~McsPy.McsData.SegmentEntityInfo` object """ def __init__(self, segment_average_data, segment_average_annotation, segment_info): """ Initializes an average segment entity :param segment_avarage_data: 2d-matrix (one average) or 3d-cube (n averages) of average segments :param segment_annotation: annotation vector for every average segment :param segment_info: segment info object that contains all meta data for this segment entity :return: Average segment entity """ = segment_info # connect the data set = segment_average_data # connect the timestamp vector self.data_annotation = segment_average_annotation assert self.number_of_averages == self.data_annotation.shape[1], 'Timestamp index is not compatible with dataset!!!' @property def number_of_averages(self): "Number of average segments inside this average entity" dim = return dim[2] @property def sample_length(self): "Number of sample points of an average segment" dim = return dim[1]
[docs] def time_ranges(self): """ List of time range tuples for all contained average segments :return: List of tuple with start and end time point """ time_range_list = [] for idx in range(self.data_annotation.shape[-1]): time_range_list.append((self.data_annotation[0, idx] * MCS_TICK, self.data_annotation[1, idx] * MCS_TICK)) return time_range_list
[docs] def time_range(self, average_segment_idx): """ Get the time range for that the average segment was calculated :param average_segment_idx: index resp. number of the average segment :return: Tuple with start and end time point """ return (self.data_annotation[0, average_segment_idx] * MCS_TICK, self.data_annotation[1, average_segment_idx] * MCS_TICK)
[docs] def average_counts(self): """ List of counts of samples for all contained average segments :param average_segment_idx: id resp. number of the average segment :return: sample count """ sample_count_list = [] for idx in range(self.data_annotation.shape[-1]): sample_count_list.append(self.data_annotation[2, idx]) return sample_count_list
[docs] def average_count(self, average_segment_idx): """ Count of samples that were used to calculate the average :param average_segment_idx: id resp. number of the average segment :return: sample count """ return self.data_annotation[2, average_segment_idx]
def __calculate_scaled_average(self, mean_data, std_dev_data): """ Shift and scale average segments appropriate """ assert len( == 1, "There should be only one source channel for one average segment entity!" source_channel =[0] # take the first and only source channel scale = source_channel.adc_step.magnitude mean_shifted_and_scaled = (mean_data - source_channel.get_field('ADZero')) * scale std_dev_scaled = std_dev_data * scale data_tuple = AverageSegmentTuple(mean=mean_shifted_and_scaled, std_dev=std_dev_scaled, time_tick_unit=source_channel.sampling_tick, signal_unit=source_channel.adc_step.units) return data_tuple
[docs] def get_scaled_average_segments(self): """ Get all contained average segments in its measured physical range. :return: :class:`~McsPy.McsData.AverageSegmentTuple` containing the k x n matrices for mean and standard deviation of all contained average segments n with the associated sampling and measuring information """ mean =[0, ...] std_dev =[1, ...] return self.__calculate_scaled_average(mean, std_dev)
[docs] def get_scaled_average_segment(self, average_segment_idx): """ Get the selected average segment in its measured physical range. :param segment_idx: index resp. number of the average segment :return: :class:`~McsPy.McsData.AverageSegmentTuple` containing the mean and standard deviation vector of the average segment with the associated sampling and measuring information """ mean =[0, ..., average_segment_idx] std_dev =[1, ..., average_segment_idx] return self.__calculate_scaled_average(mean, std_dev)
def __calculate_shifted_average(self, mean_data, std_dev_data): """ Shift average segments appropriate """ assert len( == 1, "There should be only one source channel for one average segment entity!" source_channel =[0] # take the first and only source channel mean = mean_data mean_shifted = mean - source_channel.get_field('ADZero') data_tuple = AverageSegmentTuple(mean=mean_shifted, std_dev=std_dev_data, time_tick_unit=source_channel.sampling_tick, signal_unit=source_channel.adc_step) return data_tuple
[docs] def get_average_segments(self): """ Get all contained average segments AD-offset in ADC values with its measuring conditions :return: :class:`~McsPy.McsData.AverageSegmentTuple` containing the mean and standard deviation vector of the average segment in ADC steps with sampling tick and ADC-Step definition """ mean =[0, ...] std_dev =[1, ...] return self.__calculate_shifted_average(mean, std_dev)
[docs] def get_average_segment(self, average_segment_idx): """ Get the AD-offset corrected average segment in ADC values with its measuring conditions :param segment_id: id resp. number of the segment :return: :class:`~McsPy.McsData.AverageSegmentTuple` containing the k x n matrices for mean and standard deviation of all contained average segments in ADC steps with sampling tick and ADC-Step definition """ mean =[0, ..., average_segment_idx] std_dev =[1, ..., average_segment_idx] return self.__calculate_shifted_average(mean, std_dev)
[docs]class SegmentEntityInfo(Info): """ Contains all meta data for one segment entity :param info: dict containing the segment metadata :param source_channel_of_segment: dict containing the channel metadata for each source channel of the segment. Key: source channel index, value: :class:`~McsPy.McsData.ChannelInfo` object """ def __init__(self, info_version, info, source_channel_infos): """ Initializes an describing info object with an array that contains all descriptions of this segment entity. :param info_version: number of the protocol version used by the following info structure :param info: array of segment entity descriptors as represented by one row of the SegmentEvent structure inside the HDF5 file :param source_channel_infos: dictionary of source channels from where the segments were taken """ Info.__init__(self, info) McsHdf5Protocols.check_protocol_type_version("SegmentEntityInfo", info_version) self.__version = info_version source_channel_ids = [int(x) for x in info['SourceChannelIDs'].decode('utf-8').split(',')] self.source_channel_of_segment = {} for idx, channel_id in enumerate(source_channel_ids): self.source_channel_of_segment[idx] = source_channel_infos[channel_id] @property def id(self): "Segment ID" return['SegmentID'] @property def pre_interval(self): "Interval [start of the segment <- defining event timestamp]" return['PreInterval'] * MCS_TICK @property def post_interval(self): "Interval [defining event timestamp -> end of the segment]" return['PostInterval'] * MCS_TICK @property def type(self): "Type of the segment like 'Average' or 'Cutout'" return['SegmentType'] @property def count(self): "Count of segments inside the segment entity" return len(self.source_channel_of_segment) @property def version(self): "Version number of the Type-Definition" return self.__version
[docs]class TimeStampStream(Stream): """ Container class for one timestamp stream with different entities :param timestamp_entity: dict of timestamp entities. Key: timestamp ID, value: a :class:`~McsPy.McsData.TimeStampEntity` object :param info_version: version of the Info structure :param data_subtype: type of stream data :param label: the stream label :param source_stream_guid: the GUID of the source stream :param stream_guid: the stream GUID :param stream_type: the stream type ("Timestamp") """ def __init__(self, stream_grp): """ Initializes an timestamp stream object that contains all entities that belong to it. :param stream_grp: folder of the HDF5 file that contains the data of this timestamp stream """ Stream.__init__(self, stream_grp, "TimeStampStreamInfoVersion") self.__read_timestamp_entities() def __read_timestamp_entities(self): "Create all timestamp entities of this timestamp stream" for (name, value) in self.stream_grp.items(): dprint_name_value(name, value) # Read infos per timestamp entity timestamp_infos = self.stream_grp['InfoTimeStamp'][...] timestamp_info_version = self.stream_grp['InfoTimeStamp'].attrs['InfoVersion'] self.timestamp_entity = {} for timestamp_entity_info in timestamp_infos: timestamp_entity_name = "TimeStampEntity_" + str(timestamp_entity_info['TimeStampEntityID']) timestamp_info = TimeStampEntityInfo(timestamp_info_version, timestamp_entity_info) if timestamp_entity_name in self.stream_grp: self.timestamp_entity[timestamp_entity_info['TimeStampEntityID']] = TimeStampEntity(self.stream_grp[timestamp_entity_name], timestamp_info)
[docs]class TimeStampEntity(object): """ Time-Stamp entity class, Meta-Information for this entity is available via an associated object of :class:`~McsPy.McsData.TimestampEntityInfo` :param data: numpy vector (n_timestamps) with timestamp data :param info: timestamp metadata as a :class:`~McsPy.McsData.TimeStampEntityInfo` object """ def __init__(self, timestamp_data, timestamp_info): """ Initializes an timestamp entity object :param timestamp_data: dataset of the HDF5 file that contains the data for this timestamp entity :param timestamp_info: object of type :class:`~McsPy.McsData.TimeStampEntityInfo` that contains the description of this entity """ = timestamp_info # Connect the data set = timestamp_data @property def count(self): """Number of contained timestamps""" dim = return dim[1] def __handle_indices(self, idx_start, idx_end): """Check indices for consistency and set default values if nothing was provided""" if idx_start == None: idx_start = 0 if idx_end == None: idx_end = self.count if idx_start < 0 or[1] < idx_start or idx_end < idx_start or[1] < idx_end: raise IndexError return (idx_start, idx_end)
[docs] def get_timestamps(self, idx_start=None, idx_end=None): """Get all n time stamps of this entity of the given index range (idx_start <= idx < idx_end) :param idx_start: start index of the range (including), if nothing is given -> 0 :param idx_end: end index of the range (excluding, if nothing is given -> last index :return: Tuple of (n-length array of timestamps, Used unit of time) """ idx_start, idx_end = self.__handle_indices(idx_start, idx_end) timestamps =[idx_start:idx_end] scale = return (timestamps, scale)
[docs]class TimeStampEntityInfo(Info): """ Contains all meta data for one timestamp entity :param info: dict containing the timestamp metadata """ def __init__(self, info_version, info): """ Initializes an describing info object with an array that contains all descriptions of this timestamp entity. :param info_version: number of the protocol version used by the following info structure :param info: array of event entity descriptors as represented by one row of the InfoTimeStamp structure inside the HDF5 file """ Info.__init__(self, info) McsHdf5Protocols.check_protocol_type_version("TimeStampEntityInfo", info_version) self.__version = info_version source_channel_ids = [int(x) for x in info['SourceChannelIDs'].decode('utf-8').split(',')] source_channel_labels = [x.strip() for x in info['SourceChannelLabels'].decode('utf-8').split(',')] self.__source_channels = {} for idx, channel_id in enumerate(source_channel_ids): self.__source_channels[channel_id] = source_channel_labels[idx] @property def id(self): "Timestamp entity ID" return['TimeStampEntityID'] @property def unit(self): "Unit in which the timestamps are measured" return['Unit'] @property def exponent(self): "Exponent for the unit in which the timestamps are measured" return int(['Exponent']) @property def measuring_unit(self): "Unit in which the timestamp entity was measured" try: provided_base_unit = ureg.parse_expression(self.unit) except UndefinedUnitError: print ("Could not find unit \'%s\' in the Unit-Registry" % self.unit) #unit_undefined.unit_names return None else: return (10**self.exponent) * provided_base_unit @property def data_type(self): "DataType for the timestamps" return 'Long' @property def source_channel_ids(self): "ID's of all channels that were involved in the timestamp generation." return list(self.__source_channels.keys()) @property def source_channel_labels(self): "Labels of the channels that were involved in the timestamp generation." return self.__source_channels @property def version(self): "Version number of the Type-Definition" return self.__version